One North Star: Expert Financial Advisor Services in CT, MA & NJ for Executives & Indian Families

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2024 Stock Market: A Positive Outlook from OneNorthStar

2024 Stock Market: A Positive Outlook from OneNorthStar

Welcome to OneNorthStar's insightful analysis of the 2024 stock market outlook. In this article, we will delve into the key points made in the recent video, discussing why the upcoming year holds promise for investors. Let's explore the factors contributing to the positive forecast and why a 15% return is anticipated.

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2024 Interest Rate Landscape : OneNorthStar's Insight

2024 Interest Rate Landscape : OneNorthStar's Insight

Welcome to the professional study of the present interest rate landscape, as captured in February 2024 by OneNorthStar. OneNorthStar provides a distinctive viewpoint on the future direction of interest rates and their effect on the financial markets amidst the clamor around the Federal Reserve's possible moves in the upcoming months.

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Unveiling OneNorthStar's Constructive 2024 Market Outlook

Unveiling OneNorthStar's Constructive 2024 Market Outlook

Step into the future with OneNorthStar as we present our perspective on the 2024 market outlook. While forecasting the future is challenging, we are constructive about the coming year. Join us as we navigate uncertainties and shed light on what the upcoming year might hold for the market.

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Equity Market & Wall Of Worry

Equity Market & Wall Of Worry

In recent weeks, the capital markets have witnessed a robust rally, fueled by discussions within the Federal Reserve about the potential end of interest rate cycles. As we delve into the first week of December, conversations with members of OneNorthStar reveal a prevailing sense of concern—fears of a looming liquidity event, a 'wall of worry' that could dismantle the gains amassed in the market.

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Cash or Equities?

Cash or Equities?

In a financial environment where low interest rates have become the norm, the prospect of return on cash may appear to be akin to coming across a mythical unicorn. However, there are specific paths that can potentially lead to this seemingly lofty figure among the conventional avenues of saving and investing.

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US Bond Market and the Treasury Market Hitting 5%

US Bond Market and the Treasury Market Hitting 5%

Economic landscapes are ever-changing, and today, we're witnessing a significant shift! Bond yields have soared to their highest levels in 16 years, marking a crucial moment in the financial world.

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Inflation Puzzle

Inflation Puzzle

The enigma that perplexes economists and impacts us all. Ever wondered what lies behind the rising prices and the fluctuations in our economy? Join us on a journey to unravel the #InflationPuzzle, a phenomenon that shapes our financial decisions and drives economic strategies.

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The Road Ahead 2023 Lets Go

The Road Ahead 2023 Lets Go

Seduction of pessimism is a common theme these days in market outlooks and commentary from the pundits... perhaps one appears wiser or sounds smarter when prognosticating on imminent or far-off disasters.

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The Seen and The Unseen

The Seen and The Unseen

What a few rough months of the year it has been so far. The unevenness of the markets, rising and falling, is enough to induce vertigo in many.

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Elections and Expectations

Elections and Expectations

America has a revolution every four years. It's a quiet yet earth shaking one every time and it reaches its high point today. Casting of ballots is an exercise in power by the masses where the mighty and powerful await judgement upon them by the electorate.

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False Fears Redux

False Fears Redux

Volatility is healthy and normal in bull markets - it allows for expectations to be realigned, (i.e., lower) thus letting the bull market refresh, so it can grow stronger for longer. Breathe deep, hold tight, it's never a straight line up for capital markets.

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Sugar Highs and Other Items

Sugar Highs and Other Items

Sugar and disappointment are two things found in plenty at the marketplace. As the market feeds itself more sugar, disappointment awaits. Euphoria (the end stage of the Bull) signaled by folks chasing Unicorns and Rainbows is approaching.

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Bubbles Politics and Other Forecasts

Bubbles Politics and Other Forecasts

Emotions have the capacity to fumble up your financial future: Watching with dread or exhilaration as balances move along with the market could lead to inefficient decision making. Safety stocks are outright unicorns.

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Ignore the Panic. Stay in stocks.

Ignore the Panic. Stay in stocks.

Don'tread furtherif you are ok with that. The rebound from the depths of pessimist sentiment will be wonderful to enjoy. Temper your emotions of fear & uncertainty for tomorrow. We got this, like many times in the past.

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One surprising thing you didn't know about financial planning

One surprising thing you didn't know about financial planning

Any time you hear of portfolio management services or wealth advisory services, you immediately may come to the conclusion that it is geared towards individuals who already have a fortune built up. However, that's not the case! In fact, those types of financial planning services are easily attainable to the average person because they can...

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Opportunity doesn't come labelled... more so in the stock market

Opportunity doesn't come labelled...
more so in the stock market

'If you don't know who you are, the stock market is an expensive place to find out...' (Adam Smith) Growth or Value, Large Cap or Small Cap, Domestic or Foreign, Active or Passive... which label do you swear by. It actually doesn't matter. Every equity styles over long windows of time will give similar returns,...

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The Faithless Faithful

The Faithless Faithful

Money is fear... fear of having it and losing it. Fear of not having enough of it or having little of it. This fear is universal for the human race unless you are in the 0.01% of humanity that has gazillions to work with or has little use of it. Fear creates neurosis, creates short sightedness,

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My Dear Millennial Women, Start Now!

My Dear Millennial Women, Start Now!

Recently, I had a chance to meet a few women in their early 20's; who have started working and are enjoying their newfound financial independence. I asked them - if you had some extra money on hand, what would you do with it? Most of them said they would 'save' for short-term goals e.g. like buying a branded item, for a holiday or a car.

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Dear Sister, Take Control Over Your Finances

Dear Sister, Take Control Over Your Finances

Let me start this piece on a positive note: statistics suggest that more and more women are focusing on financial independence and becoming the primary breadwinners for their families. However, the not-so-good news is that a lot of us still tend to lag behind on important money matters, such as investing and retirement.

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Baby Steps

Baby Steps

It's safe to say that becoming a mother tops the list of the best things that have happened in my life thus far! I find myself viewing the world around me with a brand new perspective where I'm no longer the epicenter. Overnight, I've become conscious of the same world being scary and treacherous but filled with wonderment and magic all at once as I alternate between my children's lenses and mine.

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Summer's End

Summer's End

"And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

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A Well Fitted Suit

A Well Fitted Suit

When I think of NPI's approach to working with clients, I think of the two suits I've purchased in my life: the first from a clothing chain that had some nice, reasonably priced suits sitting in the aisles. I wasn't looking to be picky, all it took was a quick stop in the changing room and glance in the mirror to lead to my buying the suit.

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To Be Heard

To Be Heard

Women and Math don't mix or aren't supposed to anyway, is what many of us have likely been led to believe. In my seven-year career in the financial services industry, I have encountered many a situations where I palpably felt under-valued as an employee, a lot of times in stark contrast to my male counterparts.

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One Cent

One Cent

And that turns out to be the hardest thing to live with, not the regret or the fear, but the realization that the edge is so close to where we live." - Jess Walter, The Financial Lives of the Poets

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NorthStar Portfolio Investments NorthStar Portfolio Investments

NorthStar Portfolio Investments, LLC
80 Fourth ST, Stamford, CT 06905
1 888 600 1423

NOTE: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. A risk of loss is involved with investments in capital markets. Please consider investment actions in light of your goals, objectives, cash flow needs, time horizon and other lasting factors.